Hey there and welcome to my webpage!I'm Maca, and I love tinkering with artistic endeavors, visual arts, game engines, music, and more.
I'm also into crafting the stories that pop into my head, hich led me to delve into the world of game-dev.
starting with Alone, a short (and unpolished) adventure for the Game Boy console (and for PC too), I am now working on my very first big project called Seeds, a JRPG/Puzzle game which is still in progress.
If you're curious about my works, please, check them out!

Seeds is an immersive RPG experience where you'll take the reins as Lily, a girl raised in the serene confines of a little undefined town.
Her tranquil existence takes an unexpected turn as an enigmatic presence emerges within the Old Mansion, a foreboding, abandoned villa veiled in mystery. Together with her childhood pals —Philip, Manny, and Rose— Lily must unravel the secrets behind this eerie figure and why it ventured into that abandoned place.

The game is still in development, and being the sole developer, I encounter numerous challenges. Crafting the game code, music, story, and graphics demands immense patience. Therefore, I'll keep updating this site as progress is made.
I had initially released an early version along with a demo, but it didn't meet my expectations. Currently, I'm striving to create a product that aligns closely with my vision and is thoroughly enjoyable for players in various aspects.
In the meantime, I deeply appreciate the support and to those who will purchase the game upon completion!
There are many variables{}.

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Shy boy,
Shy boy,
Shy boy,
A young woman weaves through the crowd,
she's dressed in a suit, running in uncomfortable shoes.
A man looks down, holding his briefcase,
he's gazing at what seems to be an old photo on the ground.
You pass by them, light as a feather,
you don't like being under control,
and even if someone wanted to, they couldn't,
so, let's play, let's play, shy boy!
Shy boy,
Shy boy,
Shy boy,
But don't you think she looks angry?
Or perhaps it's disgust, I can't tell,
I wonder what kind of future she dreams of while gazing at the stars .
So tell me who you are, reveal your name to me.
Tell me you're still afraid and open up to us,
that's why friends exist,
you might be tired of dealing with others,
but in the end, it's others who make you feel better.
Shy boy,
Shy boy,
Shy boy,
Can you feel it, right?
People don't have that much interest in others,
there's always something awry,
and we all end up alone.
It's your curse,
you'll never stop dreaming even as you seek an exit,
and you'll dream of dreaming again and again,
it's your curse.
Shy boy,
Shy boy,
Shy boy.

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